Monthly NewsLetter

Creativity And Innovation
Monthly newsletters 2019 june

760 views 2019-07-02


Welcome to the June 2019 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter! Lots of activities are done in June and it was such a productive month as usual. 

We always request a GEN member, friend or staff to pr... Read More.

Monthly newsletters 2019

672 views 2019-05-28



Welcome to the May 2019 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter! A month has passed again and May was such a productive month. A lot of workshops and events were organised and the call for proposal for EU ... Read More.

Monthly newsletters 2019 april banner

593 views 2019-04-25


Welcome to the April 2019 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter! Padauk flower which is a symbol of Thingyan festival in Myanmar bloomed and everyone enjoyed the water festival in April. It is also the time of Myanmar New Year... Read More.

Monthly newsletters 2019

731 views 2019-04-01


Welcome to the March 2019 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter! The International Women’s Day event was held on 9th March at Mahar Bandula park and it was such a successful event. Union Minister attended and a lot of people participated. We also ... Read More.

Monthly newsletters 20191

415 views 2019-03-03


Welcome to the February 2019 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter! A lot of workshops and consultation meetings were held in February and GEN also conducted the staff capacity building workshop at the end of the month. As the International Wo... Read More.

Monthly newsletters 2019 1

603 views 2019-02-21


Welcome to the January 2019 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter! A new year has just begun and we hope this year brings you joy and happiness. At GEN, everyone is back from the holidays and ready start afresh with good energy. We always re... Read More.